Our society is fractured. We have always lived along lines that separate us, that divide us into the categories we’ve used for generations to describe who we are and where we fit, or don’t fit in the socioeconomic structure. The lines of separation frequently generate episodes of social unrest. In times of crisis, they can threaten to bring down institutions and lay waste to governments. When this happens, a new structure is born as the people rise out of the fire. Depending on the how the crisis is managed and the knowledge and temperament of the people the new structure may be painfully destructive, eroding the social fabric even more than before, and at its lowest becoming a purveyor of evil. As the world quickly advances in technology and interconnectedness our ability to aggregate and increase all the things that separate us is magnified. We can hurt each other just as we have before, but harder, faster. 3FE TO FCT details an approach through the filter of simple but powerful everyday critical thinking. It actively addresses the lines that divide us. As the lines wax and wane ever threatening to become chasms, 3FE (Find, Focus, establish the Fundamentals, Execute) leads us to FCT (Familiarity, Comfort, and Trust), providing us with the tools necessary to bridge and in some cases even close the ideological divides.

Be sure to get your copy: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096TRVP8T



I sent the below message to the following state senators Senate Ethics Committee:.

max.burns@senate.ga.gov (Chairman)
mike.dugan@senate.ga.gov (Senate Majority Leader)
butch.miller@senate.ga.gov (President Pro Tempore of the Senate)

This is your democracy. Let your voice be heard ... 

To the members of the Georgia Senate Ethics Committee:

I fail to understand why after one of the most secure elections in human history … let me repeat that, one of the most secure elections in human history, because that is exactly what it was, you have deemed it necessary to introduce bills that will make voting more difficult, but not more secure. 

Echo chamber catch-phrases and rhetoric painted up to sound reasonable will not deflect from the simple fact that the bills you are proposing equate to de-facto voter suppression. This is Jim Crow evolved, the modernization of disenfranchising people of color. And for this, you should truly be ashamed. However, we know you are not. 

The fine veneer you cover yourselves with to separate you from your antecedents who rationalized their actions with religion and skewered made-crooked words of Christ, most assuredly not doing what Jesus would do, does not present you as different, not in our eyes, not in the eyes of your constituents, and yes those of us who did not vote for you are your constituents. And this brings us to the point.

I correct myself. I completely understand why you are taking this action. It is plain because many of you have said as much. It is plain for the same reason the former President stands unpunished and unrepentant. It is the same reason your parents and grandparents did what they did, unrepentant, lying to themselves, and you, living in fear of losing power, of losing control. It is sad and it hurts but I see it I hear it, I heard it last night at the Gwinnett County Public Schools Board Meeting. You and a large number of my fellow Georgians not of color seek to retain power either because you hate us, or you actually think you don’t but just think you know better than we do and we, who are the wrong kind of people will destroy what makes us great. That is the truth of you and your belief. However, the truth also is like you, all we want to do is live, and thrive … just like you. We have no desire to bring you low. We just want after so very long that you appropriately invest in lifting us up. We should all be about this type of work, together. 

Today I’m writing you because I want you to support American freedom and liberty in the great state of Georgia. I’m writing you because you are committing a wrong that will brand you in history. I’m writing you because I’m asking you to see my perspective and reconsider just how wrong your actions are. I’m writing you, because you represent me, and making it harder for people like me to exercise the franchise is un-American. 

You will do what you will do. I want better of you. If you turn these bills into law you already know we will not stand back. We will not standby. We will continue a Fair Fight, in the finest American tradition. In John Lewis’s name, we will continue to create Good Trouble.

 Best Regards,
D.S. Brown
Gwinnett County Democratic Party
Executive Committee District 1



We all live in times of hard division. It affects us at home, in our schools, our places of worship, where we work, and painfully enough it descends upon us in how we are governed. All this creates a culture of exclusion that is magnified by algorithms that beat down our ability to think critically, find common ground, and embrace inclusion. Our social well-being is under constant assault and we are in crisis. Join one of the following seminar sessions below and learn how with 3FE to FCT we can do the hard work that's necessary, find the courage to not hate, and in time embrace real inclusion, and in elevating together, make all of us great.

Please register for one of our sessions by clicking a link below and start this new year with the right frame of mind. :

Select - SESSION 1 - JUNE 10, 2021

Select - SESSION 2 - JUNE 12, 2021

This seminar is being brought to you by Critical Thinking Minds at a discount of free! Get your ticket now!


Derrick Sherroid Brown, pen name D.S. Brown, son of Bessie Williams Brown and John Heard Brown, husband to Erica Lindsey Brown and father of Elle Lindsey Brown. I am a very proud American by birth and nationality, and African of western continental origin by ancestry. I’m a native of Atlanta, Georgia, in particular the area known as South West ATL. These days I reside on the northern side of the metro in Gwinnett County. This is WHO I am, a regular guy from the ATL, a gentleman of the South.

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The CBD Craze Is Hot and You Are Not

It took a while for it to happen, but it finally did. I was listening to the radio on the way home from work last week when I heard it. The inevitable pitch by someone promising to make your rich. Or, rather to put you on the path of possible profitability, quickly followed by the implication that they’re going to make you rich. It’s time for you to sign up for your free CBD seminar and training session. 

If you were to look at a map of America for where marijuana is legal you might actually be surprised. The movement for legalization has been a long one. However, the change that has come as of late has really surprised many. In some states it is legal. In some states it is less criminalized, or rather prosecutors won’t prosecute. In some states CBD oil is legal. There are only around ten or eleven states where it is still fully illegal and criminalized. That’s a helluva thing and a helluva opportunity. 

Now with that understanding, we all know what’s going to happen next, or is already happening. I don’t know if you’ve done this, but I have. I’ve taken the time to sit back and think about just how gullible we can be in our desire to be rich, to covet, to want, to be able to buy stuff. It boggles the mind, or at least it boggles my mind. 

There is always the get rich quick ThingamaJigAmIstupidAsHell scheme, whether it’s stocks, real estate, long distance phone service, energy, or a person from a foreign country who will give us a cut of the proceeds if we help him with his 1.5 to 3-million-dollar bank deposit. We all have heard about it at this point. Still, again, and again without fail we will throw caution to the wind and give this person, this prevaricator our hard-earned cash. We hope, that what will happen next will allow us to buy our own champagne wishes and caviar dreams.  

Well, I hate to say it, but that old thang is back with a vengeance. The real estate seminars have been back on and popping for a few years now. Some of you may have attended a free seminar or two. Many of you may have bought the $500 hot box packet to help you build your empire, or you may have dropped the $1500 to $4000 necessary to take the course through the special all-powerful training academy that will help you conquer the land in your own back yard. 

Yeah, same old story with a new book cover. As Clark Howard once said, if they have all the answers, why are they sharing them with you? Do you really think they’re doing it out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you really think that $1500 multiplied by the fifteen of you out of the class of thirty who attended that day and paid are just small potatoes in their annual balance sheet, a small goodwill line? Or, do you realize that even though they made money buying and selling homes they really make way more money today telling you what they did as opposed to continue doing it themselves? Just something to think about, critically.

So, now that I’ve rehashed the continuous tried and true that find their targets every year, it’s time to introduce the latest entrant. And to be sure, this one is a heavy hitter. 

Do you smoke weed? Have you ever smoked weed? Do you love the allure of marijuana? Have you ever considered the money-making potential of cannabis sativa and thought it should be you, or it would be you if it were legal? Are you a person who thinks of the societal wrongs of marijuana and how now that it is becoming legal the windfall will belong to the same people who have always controlled the reigns of power? 

Are you one of those people who thinks about all those who have been imprisoned and suffered while trying to make a way by selling it in traps and on street corners? Are you an old hip-hop head who remembers when the Notorious B.I.G rapped about how he was just trying to make some money to feed his daughter? For that one go listen to his song “Juicy,” and if you don’t know, now you know, you know. 

Are you one of the folks who saw the video of the woman news correspondent who said “fuck it” on live television and walked off her job after she revealed herself to be the owner of the Alaskan Cannabis Club? 

Are you an American who sees the powerfully ripe opportunity that marijuana legalization represents, just like former Speaker of the House John Boehner, a Conservative and a Republican? Do you see all this and feel the itch and fear of being too late? Are you worried about being completely left out? Do you think of all this and say, NOW is our time, or more importantly my time?

Well, please allow me to tell you that the impending legalization of marijuana and the accelerating growth of cannabis derived products truly do represent an economic paradigm shift, and they will make fortunes over time. Let’s get that out of the way first. 

Second, all that you have seen and all that you feel creates powerful emotions. We humans become ripe for exploitation when we feel we’ve missed the boat, or that the boat is just about to leave, and we feel we can still get on it. We feel just like we would if we were late to the port of our seven-day cruise that we spent our hard-earned money on. Our stomachs sink. We become frantic, manic, willing to do whatever to get on that boat. 

That’s who we are and that is why critical thinking is so incredibly important to consider. 

I’ve heard many of them already. People want you to join their downline in their CBD Multi-Level-Marketing program. People are starting CBD businesses around how to make CBD businesses. People are offering programs to join CBD startups that will develop innovative ways to circumvent current challenges to actually getting your CBD oil. People are offering courses on the health benefits of CBD. 

And the health benefits of CBD have to be considered independently of the rest in my opinion because we aspiring critical thinkers know the truth. We’ve seen it all before, just like many of you. There are those who will tell you CBD cures everything, helps everything, is the be-all and end-all of medicines. CBD oil clearly has many benefits. But it is not a cure-all. Still, there will be those that market it as such and there will be those who will buy it as such. And that, is truly sad. Critical thinking is needed more than ever, especially at early stages of what many consider be a crazed gold rush.

 I hope what I’ve said resonates with you. I felt the need to make this statement. I was driving, and I was simply moved to speak. If you be an aspiring critical thinker, when asked to attend the seminar, join the program, start a business, ask critical thinking questions. Because you see, someone is making money. Someone might be making money and it is all above board, no fraud, no skirting the edge of legality. Yes, someone might be making money, but with regard to these types of schemes and programs, that someone is more than likely not going to be you. The Marijuana CBD craze is hot, but many of you my friends, are not. 

The Aspiring Critical Thinker/Writer/Innovator, D.S. Brown




In today’s rapidly changing environment everyone’s been talking about critical thinking. It’s been a topic of focus in business for some years now. Employers are making it a requirement, a trait that must be developed in its employees and highly valued in candidates.

It’s had its opportunities to become the latest buzz phrase. Thankfully, it has not, at least not so much. Still it seems everyone is slowly recognizing just how important it is, even if they’re not quite clear on what it is or what it really means at a given level of interaction and engagement. 

People driving projects, and employees working on those projects, as well as candidates seeking to be part of the team have come to realize the importance of critical thinking skills and are trying to figure out how to increase their ability to utilize this trait. They recognize the urgency and want to know how to satisfy the need.  

However, what is the urgency of critical thinking?  

We can answer this question by actually utilizing critical thinking skills. Let’s start with what is critical thinking? Critical thinking is simply the act of evaluating and using rational judgment. This is a bare bones simple definition that most appropriately satisfies the first critical question, what is critical thinking. Understand, by nature we don’t consistently evaluate things using rational judgment. It’s at the core of what makes us human. 

Who does critical thinking apply to and who uses it? Well, to put it quite frankly it applies to every living person on the planet. Consider my perspective, we should think about our interactions with others, the relationships we develop, the perspectives of others who are thinking about things just as earnestly and passionately. In this sense it applies to all of us by degrees. If we could learn to cultivate it as a skill it would definitely improve those interactions, those relationships, the manner in which every living person on the planet is connected.  

Who uses it? Those who have made critical thinking a way of life, in addition to those who must use it in their given field of study. However, what must be made clear, as stated before, is that all of us must endeavor to develop critical thinking as a skill. 

When must we apply critical thinking? In my humble opinion there is no situation when critical thinking should not be applied. However, as we are emotional beings who find great value and pleasure in just vegetating, being lackadaisical, just sitting, we must accept the fact that we are not robots. We need downtime. However, the skill must be applied in degrees, and when it comes to problem solving on the job or at home it is an absolute must.

There are men who act like boys, women who act like girls, officials who act like playground bullies and petulant malcontents, professionals who act like amateurs, people who simply don’t know what to do, when to do it, why they are doing it, how it can be accomplished, who is affected, and where if applied it will be most effective.  And unfortunately, too many people are the people I just described, be it in the realms of politics, religion, the home, or on the job.  

With this understanding, we see why critical thinking is so urgent, so incredibly important. Common sense has seemingly become a forgotten art form, respect is missing, accountability is gone. And as these factors have vanished, with the rise in the urgency of critical thinking we find many people claiming to be critical thinkers, claiming to apply common sense, outright lying about accountability and making a show of responsibility, leaving us wondering, who can we trust? 

Yes, we can see why there is an incredible urgency, a real and true need for the rise of critical thinking skills. 

To round out the previous critical question it is clear that after we know what critical thinking is, who uses it and who needs it, as well as when we must apply it, we can plainly see that it must be applied everywhere. Everywhere is where we need it. 

The how of its use requires the sincere increase of critical cognition as a contagion, a metaphorical meme virus of accountability, deep thinking, and perspective, a continuous exercising of the mind, just as much as we exercise our bodies. The why of this urgent need is simple and plain. 

However, to be true and sincere I tell you now that we are well below the threshold of true critical thinking in this nation, or rather the entire planet.  We may recognize the urgent need, but only when we truly begin to embrace critical cognition and exercise the mind free of restraint but still bound by morality and abiding passion will we truly begin to think critically. 

And as sure as my name is the name of my mother and father and my bond is my handshake and the integrity of my word, I tell you now you will know another critical thinker when you see in them the hallmark. 

And what is the hallmark of the true Critical Thinker?  It is the sincere ability to seek to internalize and understand the perspective of others, most especially when that perspective is diametrically or even violently opposed to your own. 

Experiencing this and seeing it in another clarifies who we can trust, builds on urgency, prompts us to act with a diversity of thought, an intention of inclusiveness, a drive in positive conflict, a means to close the divide and the power of passionate purpose. Consider all this critically.

The Aspiring Critical Thinker, Writer, Innovator, D.S. Brown