I sent the below message to the following state senators Senate Ethics Committee:. (Chairman) (Senate Majority Leader) (President Pro Tempore of the Senate)

This is your democracy. Let your voice be heard ... 

To the members of the Georgia Senate Ethics Committee:

I fail to understand why after one of the most secure elections in human history … let me repeat that, one of the most secure elections in human history, because that is exactly what it was, you have deemed it necessary to introduce bills that will make voting more difficult, but not more secure. 

Echo chamber catch-phrases and rhetoric painted up to sound reasonable will not deflect from the simple fact that the bills you are proposing equate to de-facto voter suppression. This is Jim Crow evolved, the modernization of disenfranchising people of color. And for this, you should truly be ashamed. However, we know you are not. 

The fine veneer you cover yourselves with to separate you from your antecedents who rationalized their actions with religion and skewered made-crooked words of Christ, most assuredly not doing what Jesus would do, does not present you as different, not in our eyes, not in the eyes of your constituents, and yes those of us who did not vote for you are your constituents. And this brings us to the point.

I correct myself. I completely understand why you are taking this action. It is plain because many of you have said as much. It is plain for the same reason the former President stands unpunished and unrepentant. It is the same reason your parents and grandparents did what they did, unrepentant, lying to themselves, and you, living in fear of losing power, of losing control. It is sad and it hurts but I see it I hear it, I heard it last night at the Gwinnett County Public Schools Board Meeting. You and a large number of my fellow Georgians not of color seek to retain power either because you hate us, or you actually think you don’t but just think you know better than we do and we, who are the wrong kind of people will destroy what makes us great. That is the truth of you and your belief. However, the truth also is like you, all we want to do is live, and thrive … just like you. We have no desire to bring you low. We just want after so very long that you appropriately invest in lifting us up. We should all be about this type of work, together. 

Today I’m writing you because I want you to support American freedom and liberty in the great state of Georgia. I’m writing you because you are committing a wrong that will brand you in history. I’m writing you because I’m asking you to see my perspective and reconsider just how wrong your actions are. I’m writing you, because you represent me, and making it harder for people like me to exercise the franchise is un-American. 

You will do what you will do. I want better of you. If you turn these bills into law you already know we will not stand back. We will not standby. We will continue a Fair Fight, in the finest American tradition. In John Lewis’s name, we will continue to create Good Trouble.

 Best Regards,
D.S. Brown
Gwinnett County Democratic Party
Executive Committee District 1